College fairs provide important opportunities for schools to meet with potential students. By offering helpful information in a friendly and easy-to-absorb way, you can ensure that your university meets its quota for email signups and outreach programs. Here are three ways to make your booth stand out from a crowd of colleges, and draw the kind of successful, intelligent students it needs.
- A quality banner: Your booth display is going to need something that both catches the eye and represents the ideals of the university. Finding a good banner printing service (or simply a printing company that produces quality banners) is vital; school colors are one of the first things people notice, so you want yours to pop. The design should set you apart from other colleges with similar or identical colors, and should include your school motto as well as any relevant images that show whystudents should study there. This is the most important feature as it will be one of the first things potential students see: it sets their first impression and will decide whether or not they stop by to learn more.
- Print materials: The point of college fairs is to give enough beneficial and relevant information to students to help them narrow down where their future will take them. Pamphlets and booklets are essential in this manner, as many students won’t want to read posters in the middle of a thronging crowd — if they have necessary information clearly laid out for them in a compact form they can take with them to peruse later, your chances of securing their application with increase. Additionally, people are more engaged with print material over digital, which means putting a physical booklet in their hands will be more favorable than telling them to visit the college’s website (which, statistically, they will lose interest in after 15 seconds.)
- University-themed items: Everyone loves free stuff: by offering small objects that match the school’s colors or are emblazoned with their logo and mascot, students can have a memento to take with them that will remind them of your booth. Complete your booth display with custom lanyards, Koosh balls, bumper stickers, or stress balls — you won’t be forgotten easily.
By loading your college fair booth display with these three items, you’ll create a lasting impression on potential new students and can ensure a successful next year for your university.