Trade shows can be a great way to attract customers, scope out competition, and even talk to potential partners. If you’re just starting out in trade shows, the first thing you should think about is trade show booths. Whether it’s trade show banner printing or having the right staff, mistakes can easily be made. Because of this, it’s important to watch out for these common beginner trade show mistakes
- Sizing: While it may be tempting to make your display huge to attract attention, it may end up doing the opposite. If you’re new to trade shows, you should start with an in-between size for your display. As you do more shows, you’ll get to know what works and what doesn’t. Of course, you don’t want your display too small, otherwise you won’t get much traffic. A good rule of thumb to follow after your first show is to match the size of the displays of your main competitors. Additionally, as you gain more experience, you should think about what you want to accomplish at the show and how to design your booth around those goals.
- Cluttered Graphics: This goes back to the sizing tip: if you have a smaller display, don’t overcrowd it with pictures and logos. This will only make it harder for viewers to get the message. Working with a printing company will allow you to have proportionally sized, clear graphics that will be colorful and witty enough to attract attention. The message of your board should say who you are and what you do within the first glance. A printing company can help make your display attractive, but it’s really up to you to decide on how you want people to view your message.
- Un-trained Booth Staff: Training before the show, including the day of the show, will ensure all staff members are aware of their roles, what the overall goal is, and allows for anyone to get their questions answered. While the staff may know the products and the company, it’s still important that they are trained on how to provide exceptional service to all who visit your booth.
- No Daily Booth Cleaning and Preparation: Just because you started the first day of the show with a clean, well-kept booth, doesn’t mean it will stay that way. Smudges, stray garbage, and scattered papers will show you don’t care that much about your display. Considering that, it’s important to prep and polish your display every morning. Hopefully you’ve worked with a good printing company that was able to provide you with high-quality material that will last beyond the length of the show.
Trade shows can be a great opportunity for business growth. In fact, 81% of trade show attendees have buying authority, meaning more than four out of five people at a trade show can be potential customers for exhibitors at the show. With that in mind, it’s instrumental that your display is attention-grabbing and informational. When it comes to oversized printing, like preparing for trade show printing, it’s important you plan ahead. Your trade show display can make or break you, and it’s important to take note of what works and what doesn’t work to help you better prepare for the next show.