Attention Lawyers: Boston Business Printing is a Committee for Public Counsel Certified Printer
For over 15 years, Boston Business Printing has been doing scanning and copying jobs for lawyers who are doing work as public counsel. Once you become a CPC attorney, you will receive a NAC form for each case you represent. You need to submit a copy of this form to your printer along with your documents and your instructions. The printer submits the bill directly to the CPC for remittance.
Much of the work done for CPC attorneys is:
- Scanning documents
- Saving files to USB drives or CDs
- Numbering pages
- Printing documents
- Copying CDs and DVDs
The items might be:
- Briefs
- Addendum
- Appeals
- Emails
- Other digital documents
The scanned documents can be itemized with a legend to make them easily retrievable, or OCR scanned if that’s what’s needed.
At BBP, our work is confidential. Our employees are bonded. We are not a retail storefront and do not take walk-in customers. This means that all information is kept strictly confidential. This is important in any lawsuit, but especially for the Committee for Public Council cases.